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Daughter Bret's cute roommate Riley loved my Obamas. He named them Obamarific, and I'm going with Riley on this.
It was a hands down victory for the Obamas in Europe despite the riots. Some people gotta riot no matter what and some people are gonna hate the USA no matter what. Open your eyes, folks. It's a new world in the USA and from the USA to you. George Bush is out, and our president is working steadily on shoring up the American dam. Give the man a chance.
The Obamas were rock stars here--despite the sniping at home about Michelle not wearing the right thing, actually touching the queen, whatever. Some people are going to say anything to get more page clicks on the web. To get a headline. To get attention. To get $$$$. Some people who got our culture into this mess aren't on board to lift it up out of it. The Obamarific response? While they were spa-ing in Baden-Baden...