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Paris, Winter 2008
The scene opens on the soft light of daybreak glowing over the rooftops of Paris's 20th Arrondissement. A woman's soothing voice says, "Over the past several months, an unrelenting roar has been mounting across the Atlantic, resonating all the way to Paris, my adopted city for the last 20 years. Something is happening in America. Four decades have gone by since we were last summoned to come together as a nation to search for, rethink, and dream another America. Today, a voice rises above the din challenging us anew, and for the first time in a long time, I can almost call America home again."
Soon we're seeing, Guetty Felin and her husband, Hervé Cohen, driving along an American highway with their two teenage sons. They are headed for Texas, where they will work for the Obama campaign and Guetty and Hervé will shoot this documentary film called Closer to The Dream. In the process, they'll be giving their sons a view of the heartland of America that most Americans--who don't live there--will never see. They'll also be imparting an incredible lesson in politics and bearing witness to a stunning moment of history.
A song called "Better Way" by Ben Harper is carrying them and us, the audience, along.
Who won't take a stand
What good is a cynic
With no better plan
I believe in a better way...
---Ben Harper
We, as an audience, are immediately snared into the rhythm of the movie, and we are living the dream with them.
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