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by Contributing Editor Des Coulam. Recording the street sounds of Paris attempting to capture that gratuitous, never-ending show for which no ticket is needed.
WHEN IT COMES to Paris markets, the Marché d’Aligre is about as lively as they come. Situated between rue de Charenton and rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine in the 12th arrondissement, the market actually comprises two markets, the indoor Marché Couvert Beauvau and an outdoor street market.
The indoor market sells a wide variety of food from its fromageries and charcuteries--but get there early if you want the best choice.
Unlike some indoor markets in Paris, the Marché Beauvau is not all that big so it can be a bit of a crush, especially in the mornings. However, even at its busiest, it becomes a haven of tranquility compared to the outdoor market.
Along the rue d'Aligre, the outdoor market really comes to life with the street vendors doing a frenetic trade in fruit and vegetables.
Hear the sounds of the outdoor street market : Aligre Market Exterior
This colourful melange of sound fascinates me. It reaches its peak on Saturday and Sunday mornings when the market is at its busiest. For people busy shopping for their fruit and vegetables, these sounds probably go largely unnoticed or, at best, they just become part of the background atmosphere, but for me, fascinated as I am by our sonic environment, these sounds form a rich tapestry and an important part of our social history.
Des Coulam has a passion for recording and preserving our sonic environment. He writes and records the Soundlandscapes blog at